Kodiak Coho Chronicles

Late-season salmon fishing around Kodiak, Alaska, can be incredibly rewarding. In the early 2000s, most of the seine fleet employed college and high school students who had to return to school by mid-September. By then, the heavy runs of pink salmon are over, and the late runs of coho and sockeye trickle in for the few boats willing to risk big storms.

Captain Terry Ivanoff of the F/V New Dawn and I were off the west coast of Kodiak near the village of Karluk with Norm Botz of the F/V Silversword, milling around and prospecting coho together. Since more than half of the fleet was done for the summer, fishing pressure at the top spots had reduced our wait time, allowing us to work uninterrupted from sunrise to sunset.

Migrating whales are always a consideration. Observing pods of hundreds of porpoises and whales is easy, with telltale signs of spouting in one direction across the horizon. Lone bull whales, however, are hard to detect, swimming deep and spouting less often than the young ones. Whales are seldom tangled in nets due to their massive power and size, passing through unharmed without notice until the net is retrieved with a gaping hole the size of a small house. Whale-sized holes in seines can rarely be repaired properly while onboard a boat at sea, as limited deck space and multiple spools of seine twine are required for hours of mending by only experienced crew members.

On a fateful day of glorious fishing in flat calm seas, our net came up in shreds, requiring a complete rebuild spread on the closest docks 18 hours away. The Silversword radioed us, announcing a massive school of salmon headed our way. Unable to do anything about it but cry and head to town, they offered to make a set for us before heading to town with a boatload of fish themselves.

Boats cannot tie up or raft together in choppy seas without risking damage to cleats, rigging, and lives. But this day was exceptionally calm, allowing us to pull up on their net full of fish and fill our boat half-full of coho salmon quickly and safely, ending the season on a high note due to the generosity and goodwill of others. This was not the first time the captain and crew of the Silversword had saved us from potential disaster and financial ruin.

After that experience, I never fished after September 13 again. It was easily one of my best day/worst day memories, a lesson learned on the delicate balance of risk versus reward.

That unforgettable day on the water taught me the importance of timing and teamwork in fishing. It also reinforced my love for coho salmon, a delicious catch with a rich, distinctive flavor. As the fishing season came to an end, I was left with an abundant supply of these incredible fish. This flavorful bowl features vibrant ingredients and cooked wild Alaska coho salmon, making it a sure-fire summer family favorite.

Alaska Coho Teriyaki Bowl


  • 1/2 cup sushi rice 
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar (preferably sugar free)
  • 2 wild Alaska coho salmon filets (approximately 1 pound total) 
  • 1 avocado 
  • 1/2 cucumber 
  • 1/2 mango 
  • 8 radishes 
  • 1 carrot 
  • 1 teaspoon sesame seeds 

    For the sauce
  • 2 tablespoons sesame oil 
  • 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce 
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar (preferably sugar free)

  • Prepare rice Cook sushi rice according to package directions.
  • Prepare salmon Heat olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add the salmon and sear on all sides until golden-brown color and cooked throughout – about 6 to 8 minutes. Cut into bite sized pieces, skin on is delicious or remove skin if preferred.
  • Prep veggiesDice avocado, cucumber, and mango. Slice carrots and radish.
  • Make sauceWhisk together the sesame oil, teriyaki sauce and rice vinegar.
  • Assemble bowls Arrange the Alaska salmon bowl by mixing the rice with the rice vinegar and add it to the bowl. Add the carrot, cucumber, mango, avocado, radishes and finally the wild Alaska salmon. Top with the sauce and sesame seeds.

We have a few new seafood items in stock! Check out our updated product list!



Food Fraud & Food Fencing (Pt. 2)

Welcome to Part 2 in our multi-part series! In Part 1, we outlined the basics of food fraud and food fencing and reviewed some of the differences and commalities. As mentioned, we’ll predominantly be addressing food fraud, but food fencing is also relevant and will be briefly discussed throughout this series.

And now, without further ado…the most commonly adulterated food is… 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁Olive Oil!

Adulterated olive oil is a significant issue highlighted in Tom Mueller’s 2013 book “Extra Virginity”. Mueller reveals how unscrupulous producers dilute extra virgin olive oil with cheaper, inferior oils, misleading consumers and compromising quality. This widespread practice not only defrauds customers but also threatens the reputation of legitimate olive oil producers.

Mueller’s investigations expose the complexity and scale of olive oil fraud. The problem is reminiscent of the fictional Genco Olive Oil Company in Mario Puzo’s “The Godfather,” where the Corleone family’s olive oil business serves as a front for illegal activities (food fencing). This fictional portrayal underscores the real-world challenges of maintaining integrity in the olive oil industry. By the way, if you enjoyed the Coppola films, the novel is a must-read—it offers an even richer experience of the story.

A notable 2010 study by the University of California, Davis found that 69% of imported olive oil samples labeled as “extra virgin” failed to meet the international standards for extra virgin olive oil, with many samples showing evidence of being diluted with cheaper oils. In some cases, olive oils have been found to contain as much as 80% non-olive oils.

Olive oil is often adulterated due to economic incentives and high market demand. Producers dilute olive oil with cheaper oils like soybean, canola or hazelnut oil (among many others) to reduce production costs and increase profits while maintaining premium prices. The limited supply of genuine extra virgin olive oil, combined with consumer misinformation, makes adulteration easier and more profitable. Factors such as seasonal variations, high production costs, and competitive market pressures also contribute to the prevalence of olive oil adulteration.

The global production of extra virgin olive oil is estimated to be around 2 million metric tons annually. However, worldwide sales often exceed this amount, with estimates suggesting that up to 3 million metric tons of extra virgin olive oil are sold each year. This discrepancy indicates that a significant portion of the olive oil labeled as “extra virgin” is likely adulterated or mislabeled, containing cheaper oils blended to meet demand.

Italian authorities have recently seized dozens of metric tons of counterfeit olive oil in a significant operation targeting fraud. The crackdown uncovered extensive adulteration, with fake products being marketed as authentic extra virgin olive oil. This action underscores ongoing efforts to combat olive oil fraud and protect consumer trust. For a concise summary of the seizure and its implications, check out The Grocer’s detailed report on the issue.

Bottom line, skip the grocery store!

If you’ve been with us for a while, you already know that we exclusively offer premium Bariani Olive Oil. In fact, it’s been our favorite since before we even started FishHugger. Kenny was introduced to this amazing olive oil in the mid-1990s by one of his captains in Alaska, who spent the off-season in Northern California. The Bariani familly produces approximately 30,000 liters of olive oil each year. Their operation is known for its high-quality, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, and they manage the entire process from cultivation to bottling. Each bottle has a harvest and bottling date, which is not typical for most other olive oils. We carry both their early harvest (green) olive oil and fall harvest (black/ripe) olive oil, and both are divine! The early harvest is great for dressings and drizzling and is a more European-style olive oil. The fall harvest is also great for dressings and light-duty sautéing and is generally the American preference.

We just re-stocked a HUGE supply of Bariani Olive Oil! Consider purchasing 2-6 bottles to get you through to the next harvest! If you need more than 2, please order in advance to ensure we’ll have it available for you. We offer both 1000ml and 500ml bottles, perfect for gifting to the food enthusiasts in your life.

Next up, in Part 3, we’ll be discussing the second most commonly adulterated food…any guesses?

Stay Nourished,

Brenna & Kenny

Food Fraud & Food Fencing (Pt. 1)

Quality-conscious consumers are increasingly aware of food fraud and food fencing issues, and we frequently receive questions about these topics. With that in mind, we welcome you to Part 1 of our multi-part series on food fraud and food fencing.

If you’ve been following us for a while or generally paying attention, much of this information may already be familiar or not surprising.

The U.S. food system is primarily controlled by a small number of large companies. Major players dominate various sectors, including:

  • Agriculture: Companies like Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, and Bayer
  • Food Processing: Firms such as Nestlé, PepsiCo, and General Mills
  • Retail: Leading grocery chains like Walmart, Kroger, and Costco

Overall, just a handful of corporations—about 4 to 6 in each major sector—exert significant control over the majority of the U.S. food system, influencing what products are available and how they are marketed.

Food Fraud and Food Fencing are related but distinct concepts within food crime:

  • Food Fraud: This involves deliberate deception for economic gain in the production, processing, and distribution of food, including:
    • Adulteration: Adding inferior or harmful substances
    • Substitution: Replacing ingredients with cheaper alternatives
    • Mislabeling: Incorrectly labeling products to mislead consumers
    • Counterfeiting: Imitating branded products
    • False Claims: Misrepresenting the origin, quality, or health benefits
  • Food Fencing: This refers to the distribution and sale of stolen or fraudulently obtained food products, including:
    • Selling stolen items through legitimate or illegitimate channels
    • Laundering illicitly obtained food by repackaging or relabeling
    • Distributing food products acquired through theft or fraud
    • Using a food business as a front for illegitimate or illegal actions

Key Differences:

Purpose: Food fraud focuses on making money through deceit in food composition or labeling, while food fencing is about selling and distributing stolen or illegally obtained food.

Occurrence: Food fraud can happen at any point in the food supply chain, while food fencing specifically involves handling and selling stolen or fraudulent products.

Both practices undermine consumer trust and pose significant risks to public health and the integrity of the food supply chain.

Thank you for joining us for this introduction to food fraud and food fencing! In this series, we aim to provide you with the information needed to break away from the corporate food system. While our primary focus will be on food fraud, food fencing is also relevant, interconnected, and worth discussing.

In the upcoming parts of our series, we’ll explore the three most commonly adulterated foods. As a side note, we offer uncompromised versions of all three! Can you guess which one we’ll discuss first?

Our market calendar is currently updated through the first weekend in September. We rely exclusively on word-of-mouth advertising! If you enjoy our content, please invite your like-minded friends, family and colleagues to join our email list.

Stay Vibrant,

Brenna & Kenny

Steak your Claim!

Great news! Our grass-fed grass-finished beef is back in stock!

Our closed herd is raised and finished on native ancient prairie grasses near the Kiowa National Grasslands on the high plains of northeastern New Mexico. Our goal is to produce the finest beef in the world! We are setting a standard for fully finished grassFAT beef: our cattle are born and raised on the same ranch their entire lives, about 3 years, eating all grass all the time; truly grassfed to finish. We pride ourselves on the fat our cattle can pack on, even with an only grass diet. This resource is too precious to waste, so you’ll find a generous fat rind on our grass-finished steaks. If you need assistance with cooking or enjoying this delicious, nutritious fat, please let us know. Our ground beef also contains a higher percentage of fat than any other grass-fed producer we’ve encountered. The FAT holds all the fat soluable vitamins: A, D, E, & K, as well as essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Since 2020, we have diversified our processors and currently use two different small USDA plants which are each family owned and operated. Our beef is dry aged 14+ days and stores well in a 0°F freezer for one year and a -20°F freezer for at least two years.

The average American consumes 50 pounds of beef per year. Our own family of 5 consumes slightly more, mostly ground beef. We are currently offering a beef bundle special while supplies last. Join our mailing list for subscriber only specials.

Here are some details and information on beef tenderized round steak/cubed steak.

Here’s a recipe for beef round steak tacos.

We have several more beef and pork harvest dates scheduled for the remainder of this year. We are currently accepting orders for Whole, Side, Quarter or Eighth Beef or Hog. Please email us for details.

We rely on word-of-mouth advertising. If you like our content, please share it with your friends, colleagues, and family who care about quality local foods.

ALBUQUERQUE: We plan to attend the Los Ranchos Growers Market every Saturday through early October 2024. Our calendar page is currently updated through the first weekend in September. Our product list is also current, please review before ordering.

PHOENIX: We tentatively plan to be back at the Roadrunner Park and Ahwatukee Farmers Markets for our fall season beginning the weekend of October 19/20, 2024. We will send an email out to this list upon our return. Should you have pre-orders, questions or concerns, please reach out at any time.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Stay Nourished,

Brenna & Kenny

REMINDER: Phoenix July 17

Just a quick reminder that we’ll be available in Phoenix this Wednesday, July 17 for those who order in advance! We are accepting orders via phone, email or text message through 8:00am tomorrow, Monday, July 15.

This is our last scheduled event in Arizona until our return for the fall Phoenix farmer’s market season beginning in mid October 2024. In addition to our usual supply of both Alaska Sockeye & Coho Salmon, we also have Halibut Filet and Cod Filet. We’re resupplied with a nice variety of our delicious grassfed-grassfinished Ground Beef & Beef Steaks. Pork is also available: Chops, Ground Pork, Pork Belly and Green Chile Pork Sausage. Don’t forget the local Arizona Honey, Bariani Olive Oil and Kenny’s Spice Rub.

This is a much quicker trip than is typical and we’ll only be available one day in Phoenix. Although we may have a bit of extra salmon, we cannot guarantee any availability unless we receive your order in advance. Whether you need a bundle or case of something or just a portion, filet, jar or spice rub, please let us know! Our product list has been recently updated, please CHECK IT OUT prior to ordering.

New Mexico: We intend to be back at the Los Ranchos Growers Market next Saturday, July 20 and most Saturdays through early October 2024. We will have an excellent supply of Wild Salmon, a small variety of whitefish and a full spectrum of our local Grassfed-Grassfinished Beef & Pork and well as your favorite ancillary foods! NOW is the time to consider stocking up for winter.

Stay Nourished,


602-576-1878 (call or text)

Kodiak Cod & Halibut

Pacific Cod and Halibut from Kodiak, Alaska available now!

Each fish is cleaned and iced as they are caught, then processed into filets and frozen to be enjoyed throughout the year. You will never taste this level of quality unless you caught it yourself with all the proper steps of a pro. Filets are all portioned, boneless and skinless, ready to serve up in your favorite dishes.

If high protein and low fat is your goal, white fish will make you smile and ask for more. My easy peasy no frills method is lightly poached in chicken or turkey broth for one minute and tossed on a microgreen salad.

As a reminder, we’ll be in Phoenix next Wednesday, July 17 for those who order in advance     
We are accepting orders via email, phone or text message through 8:00am on Monday, July 15. We offer many bundle and stock up options as well as one pound, portion, or jar at a time. Please check our current product list prior to ordering.



Phoenix July 17 – Please Order!

We plan to be available in Phoenix next Wednesday, July 17 for those who order in advance. Pick up will be at our home near Thomas Rd & 44th St. Please order via email, phone or text by 8:00am on Monday, July 15.

Prior to ordering, please review our current product list

Should you have further questions or concerns, we’re happy to help.

Kenny & Brenna

[ABQ] Hasta mañana

Whoohoo! We’re happy to be back in the Rio Grande Valley for the summer and early fall! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow (and every Saturday) at the Los Ranchos Growers Market. 

We have an excellent supply of both Wild Alaska Sockeye and Coho Salmon available for the season as well as a good variety of New Mexico Pork. We also have a nice stockpile of Local Raw Honey. Additionally, be sure to try our Arizona Medjool Dates (while supplies last) and Kenny’s Original or New Mexico Spice Rub!

Currently, Bariani Olive Oil is in short supply, however, we anticipate being fully re-stocked by next Saturday, June 1. 

Due to an incredible increase in demand for quality local food, we are temporarily sold out of grassfed beef. To compensate, we have increased production for 2024 and have plans to further expand in 2025. Harvest dates for beef and pork are scheduled throughout the summer and early fall and we anticipate a variety of beef cuts to be available around mid to late July 2024. We welcome orders for a whole, side, or quarter beef or hog. Please order or further inquire via email. Before ordering, we also recommend reading this.

Miss us in PHOENIX? We plan to make a trip back around late July to early August for those who order in advance. Pick up will be at our home near Thomas Rd & 44th St. We’ll send out an email asking for orders a few weeks ahead of time. Beyond that, we intend to begin the fall farmers market season in Phoenix around mid to late October 2024. Alternatively, a few retailers are currently carrying our honey in town.

Hasta mañana,

Kenny & Brenna

[PHX + ABQ] Spring Update

We’re spending a few weeks longer in Phoenix this season! We have an excellent supply of both sockeye and coho salmon. Be sure to check out our salmon bundles if you need to stock your freezer for the summer.

Our grassfed beef offerings are currently low in stock, however, we have harvest dates scheduled for beef and pork throughout the summer. Pork is in excellent supply: Breakfast Sausage, Green Chile Pork Sausage, Ground Pork, Pork Chops, Pork Belly, Pork Bones & Pork Hocks.

While we currently have a nice stock of Arizona raw honey and Bariani Olive Oil on hand, we do anticipate variety and availability running low as these last few weeks progress.

PHOENIX: We’ll be attending both Roadrunner Park and Ahwatukee Farmers Markets the next 3 weekends through May 12, 2024 this season.

ALBUQUERQUE: We plan to attend the Los Ranchos Growers Market most Saturdays throughout the summer and early fall beginning May 25, 2024.

Our market calendar is currently updated through the end of May 2024.

Photo: Summer 2001, captain Kenny ran the F/V Sharon W, Kodiak, Alaska. 52 foot, steel hull, crabber-seiner combo, 6 foot draft, 50,000 pound fish hold. “Good boat, good crew and I broke even. All around best summer of my career.” -Kenny

Bundle Bonanza

Quick as the flick of a fish’s tail, March is here! Most of you know by now that we’re available seasonally in both Phoenix, AZ and Albuquerque, NM. With approximately 10 weekends remaining in our Arizona season, NOW is the perfect time to stock your freezer and pantry for the summer. You’re welcome to wait until April to stock up. However, it’s important to note that as our season winds down, the variety and availability of our products may diminish until the next harvest. Our bundle/case pricing has changed this year. In the past, we’ve offered discounts for full or half cases of salmon (15 – 30 pounds). This year, we’re using a different fish processor and the cases are 50 pounds! Wow! We know that’s a bit too much of a commitment for most, so we’re now extending the same “case discount” to smaller bundles starting at 10 pounds. We currently have both Wild Alaska Sockeye and Coho Salmon in stock.

For bundle options and our complete product list explore our website

We plan to be in Phoenix now through the end of April, 2024. The Ahwatukee Farmers Market will be closed 2 Sunday’s in March. Check our calendar for details.

We appreciate cash and also accept Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay and debit/credit cards. EBT transactions are welcomed at our Phoenix markets.

We accept pre-orders for weekend market pick up until 6:00 pm on Fridays.

Stay Well Fed,

Brenna & Kenny