and the Fish Hugger concept was created by Kenny Aschbacher. As an experienced commercial fisherman, Kenny realizes the importance of protecting the environment and using natural resources in a sustainable way. The Alaska commercial salmon fishery is the world’s best managed fishery and the ONLY sustainable salmon fishery in the world. The Pacific Ocean surrounding Alaska has the cleanest waters on the planet ~ 5 species of Wild Pacific Salmon spend most of their natural life cycle feeding in these cold, clean waters.

Many fish species, marine mammals, and birds are threatened by over-fishing, unsafe fishing methods and ocean aquaculture. seeks to provide information and resources on these subjects. We must raise awareness so that we as consumers can make informed choices about the seafood served at our tables.

What can you do to help? Become a Fish Hugger! Sign up for our newsletter today.

As the population continues to grow, the demand for fish as food has reached a critical threshold. Inadequate fishing regulations and methods have contributed to a significant decline in seafood. A program entitled Empty Oceans, Empty Nets (available for sale at Shop PBS) looks at the depletion of the ocean’s fisheries to uncover this potential catastrophe. From the coasts of New England, Alaska, Hong Kong, Senegal, Indonesia and France, stunning images of coastal life, beautiful schools of fish and other marine life, and bustling outdoor markets are brought to life. Experts in all marine fields talk about the current state of the oceans’ fish supply, the source of the over-fishing problem and measures that need to be taken to reverse the trend.

In his new book, The Empty Ocean, Richard Ellis describes the importance of the ocean ecosystem and the threat it is currently under. This informative book is a must read for anyone concerned about the natural environment. One of the most significant lessons of this book is the threat faced by the Bluefin Tuna ~ likely to be endangered in my lifetime! The book also provides information on the Wild Atlantic Salmon and the perils of aquaculture. This one is worth adding to your bookshelf – buy it at your local bookstore.

Be a Fish Hugger!

Ask your favorite chef to serve only sustainable seafood. You can make a difference!

Why Eat Wild Salmon?

  • More omega oil an best flavor
  • Protects the heart by thinning the blood
  • Provides anti-inflammatory agents
  • Protects from auto-immune disorders and arthritis
  • Strengthens brain architecture
  • Helps fight depression and anxiety
  • Helps ADD and ADHD children