It’s bee pollen season at the farmers market. Every year about this time, people with seasonal allergies start showing up for a jar of local honey because they “heard it helps.” Most natural honey is a saturated solution of glucose and fructose. Raw and unfiltered honey from anywhere in the country you live in contains small amounts of pollen, propolis, royal jelly and hydrogen peroxide, providing all of the medicinal value of honey.

Bee pollen is the male part of all flowers collected by bees looking for nectar. Bees store it in the hive to eat with honey throughout the year. Bees are the ultimate preppers to emulate. Pollen is mostly made of crude protein, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals.  It is a shining example of a SuperFood.  It provides more energy than it takes to digest.

I believe that eating American raw honey while in America is a tasty treatment for allergies because of the nutritional support pollen provides that is suspended in unfiltered fresh honey.  Minor allergy attacks throughout the day might be soothed with a spoonful of honey, while a concentrated pollinated honey might be desired for extra strength and performance.

Sensitivity to pollen presents as an itchy throat or eyes and inflammation. My parents generation called it hay fever. Eating honey is micro-dosing pollen.

If you search the internet for praise or problems with bee pollen, only believe about half of what is said and consider the source. The biggest problem with bee pollen typically occurs when consuming too much too soon. Always remember that honey and pollen need a lot of water with a pinch of sea salt to do the most good. Start with a few grains of pollen at a time mixed in your honey jar and use as a sugar substitute. High performance athletes utilize pollen and honey mixed into homemade power bars and sports drinks.

A majority of medical professionals say the benefit of consuming bee pollen is not worth the risk of anaphylaxis. There is no official scientific proof that honey and bee pollen do us any good, yet married beekeepers eating honey daily live longer than all other careers or lifestyles with the least amount of cancer.

Pollen Power Ball Recipe

Mix 1/3 bee pollen, 1/3 honey and 1/3 cocoa powder and a pinch of sea salt. Roll into a ball the size of a quarter, wrap in cellophane.  This mix is shelf stable and suitable for high energy demand of extended heavy labour and marathon-like exertion.  Sensitive people should not consume this amount of pollen.

The Original Electrolyte

For rapid hydration, juice 1 lemon and stir in an equal part honey and add a pinch of sea salt, then dilute to one gallon. Drink fresh or allow to ferment.

Super Treat for kids of all ages

I have a silver spoon bent slightly to hold honey level in the freezer.  Cold honey has the texture of caramel.  Replace the treat of a plastic honey straw  with the ease of refilling a favorite silver spoon with trusted goodness over and over again.  Any spoon will do, but a spoon special to you makes it a ceremony to be cherished with zero guilt of any kind.


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1 Comment

  1. FANTASTIC information! Thank you

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