Mead Day, celebrated on the first Saturday in August, honors one of the world’s oldest alcoholic beverages. Mead, often called “honey wine,” has been enjoyed for thousands of years across cultures from ancient Europe and Asia to Africa. It is made by fermenting honey with water, often with the addition of fruits, spices, grains, or hops, to create a variety of flavors. Historically, mead was associated with myth and ritual, believed to be a drink of the gods, a sentiment that still captures the imagination of enthusiasts today.

Mead is believed to have been both discovered and invented, as its origins are somewhat unclear. Various ancient cultures likely discovered it independently, stumbling upon the natural fermentation of honey mixed with water left exposed to air. Over time, these cultures refined the process, adding ingredients and experimenting to create different mead styles. Thus, while mead might have been initially discovered by chance, its diverse production and variations were developed through intentional innovation.

Mead is often associated with honeymoons, a tradition that dates back to medieval times. Newlyweds were gifted a month’s supply of mead to ensure happiness and fertility, coining the term “honeymoon.” This romantic connection makes mead a delightful choice for celebrating love and new beginnings.

In celebration of Mead Day, we’re offering bulk honey (6+ quarts or a 5-gallon pail) for dedicated mead makers eager to create their own signature brews. We’re also seeking to partner with a local microbrewery in Arizona or New Mexico to produce mead for our community. With our honey, recipes, and brewmeister ready to go, we just need the ideal commercial space to bring our vision to life. If you have any connections or recommendations, we’d greatly appreciate hearing from you!

In addition to our bulk honey offerings, we’re excited to provide personalized mead and honey tastings right at your home. Experience the rich flavors and discover your favorite blends in the comfort of your own space—perfect for an intimate gathering or a special occasion. For details or to schedule, please contact us.

Sip and Savor,

Kenny & Brenna

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