The tomatoes in my garden are turning red! That event signals the beginning of our seasonal transition from beef and pork harvest to salmon and honey.

My favorite comfort meal tastes the best during the heat of summer. Market produce peaks in variety and flavor this month with chilis and onions for fresh salsas on beef and cheese enchiladas topped with a fried egg and mixed micro greens. Grass-fed dairy also peaks during the summer months in nutrition and flavor. Fast growing green grass provides the highest content of vitamins produced all year. Honey ice cream with roasted peaches finishes up my ideal meal, along with a sip of sweet mead to wash it all down. Family and friends always make it better.

We plan to attend the Los Ranchos Growers Market for the next 5 Saturday’s this season, so the pressure is on to stock up while supplies last. If you miss out on your favorite fish this time, we are already accepting orders for half and full cases available during the New Mexico December delivery route from Phoenix to Albuquerque and back again. Tour dates, cities, and times to be announced.

Lung therapy alert! Iodine (Lugol’s solution) + food grade hydrogen peroxide diluted to 1% and combined with a simple saline solution in a proper nebulizer relieved my exposure to heavy forrest fire smoke and the usual cold and flu symptoms that we all suffer from now and then. Fasting fuels my healing, like a super power, to another level of speedy recovery. You’re all reasonable people, it should go without saying that I am not a medical professional and it’s up to you to do your own diligent research and start slowly.

We are grateful for all of the love and support as we continue to serve our very small community the best food experience possible. 🧡

These are interesting times testing preconceived notions of how we all think it should be.

Don’t forget to breathe,

Kenny the FishHugger

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