Welcome to Part 2 in our multi-part series! In Part 1, we outlined the basics of food fraud and food fencing and reviewed some of the differences and commalities. As mentioned, we’ll predominantly be addressing food fraud, but food fencing is also relevant and will be briefly discussed throughout this series.

And now, without further ado…the most commonly adulterated food is… 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁Olive Oil!

Adulterated olive oil is a significant issue highlighted in Tom Mueller’s 2013 book “Extra Virginity”. Mueller reveals how unscrupulous producers dilute extra virgin olive oil with cheaper, inferior oils, misleading consumers and compromising quality. This widespread practice not only defrauds customers but also threatens the reputation of legitimate olive oil producers.

Mueller’s investigations expose the complexity and scale of olive oil fraud. The problem is reminiscent of the fictional Genco Olive Oil Company in Mario Puzo’s “The Godfather,” where the Corleone family’s olive oil business serves as a front for illegal activities (food fencing). This fictional portrayal underscores the real-world challenges of maintaining integrity in the olive oil industry. By the way, if you enjoyed the Coppola films, the novel is a must-read—it offers an even richer experience of the story.

A notable 2010 study by the University of California, Davis found that 69% of imported olive oil samples labeled as “extra virgin” failed to meet the international standards for extra virgin olive oil, with many samples showing evidence of being diluted with cheaper oils. In some cases, olive oils have been found to contain as much as 80% non-olive oils.

Olive oil is often adulterated due to economic incentives and high market demand. Producers dilute olive oil with cheaper oils like soybean, canola or hazelnut oil (among many others) to reduce production costs and increase profits while maintaining premium prices. The limited supply of genuine extra virgin olive oil, combined with consumer misinformation, makes adulteration easier and more profitable. Factors such as seasonal variations, high production costs, and competitive market pressures also contribute to the prevalence of olive oil adulteration.

The global production of extra virgin olive oil is estimated to be around 2 million metric tons annually. However, worldwide sales often exceed this amount, with estimates suggesting that up to 3 million metric tons of extra virgin olive oil are sold each year. This discrepancy indicates that a significant portion of the olive oil labeled as “extra virgin” is likely adulterated or mislabeled, containing cheaper oils blended to meet demand.

Italian authorities have recently seized dozens of metric tons of counterfeit olive oil in a significant operation targeting fraud. The crackdown uncovered extensive adulteration, with fake products being marketed as authentic extra virgin olive oil. This action underscores ongoing efforts to combat olive oil fraud and protect consumer trust. For a concise summary of the seizure and its implications, check out The Grocer’s detailed report on the issue.

Bottom line, skip the grocery store!

If you’ve been with us for a while, you already know that we exclusively offer premium Bariani Olive Oil. In fact, it’s been our favorite since before we even started FishHugger. Kenny was introduced to this amazing olive oil in the mid-1990s by one of his captains in Alaska, who spent the off-season in Northern California. The Bariani familly produces approximately 30,000 liters of olive oil each year. Their operation is known for its high-quality, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, and they manage the entire process from cultivation to bottling. Each bottle has a harvest and bottling date, which is not typical for most other olive oils. We carry both their early harvest (green) olive oil and fall harvest (black/ripe) olive oil, and both are divine! The early harvest is great for dressings and drizzling and is a more European-style olive oil. The fall harvest is also great for dressings and light-duty sautéing and is generally the American preference.

We just re-stocked a HUGE supply of Bariani Olive Oil! Consider purchasing 2-6 bottles to get you through to the next harvest! If you need more than 2, please order in advance to ensure we’ll have it available for you. We offer both 1000ml and 500ml bottles, perfect for gifting to the food enthusiasts in your life.

Next up, in Part 3, we’ll be discussing the second most commonly adulterated food…any guesses?

Stay Nourished,

Brenna & Kenny

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